

Motivated by the Authentic Meaning of Damascus in the assembling of apparatuses, the well-known verifiable 'Damascus Steel' impact is an adornment added to raise the tasteful excellence of our items.
Dedamascus was conceived out of an adoration for verifiable collectibles. Situated in the Assembled Realm We are renowned and have some expertise in the development of collectibles-the organization has the admiration of the world in assembling and protecting the best quality collectibles and collectibles of the Renaissance time and middle age ages.

We have a past filled with assembling and disseminating great collectibles overall as a fine piece of craftsmanship and an image of history. Sharp edges and Spaces work on the planet's significant locales, like South Asia, the Center East, Australia, North America, and Europe, putting our fine assortment at the doorstep of the locals.

Well-coordinated teamwork speaks About Us

We love what we do

Our item range is broadened, going from Blades, Knifes, and swords to Decorations and Extras (Rings, pendants, Canine Labels), and so on ( All Hand Made ). Guaranteeing excellent items at an entirely sensible cost is the sign of Sharp edges and Spaces. We additionally offer restrictiveness as Custom and reason made items; planned and fabricated only sticking As you would prefer and style. Come go along with us in encountering and safeguarding history. All things considered, history motivates us! Quality confirmation is our central goal.


Blade Conveyance AND Costs

DeDamascus special blades can be bought at cutthroat costs in retail and discount. "DeDamascus" conveys blades to any place on the planet. More data is with regards to conveyance.

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Go along with us in encountering and safeguarding History. All things considered, History motivates us! Quality confirmation is our main goal.